Question: Question From New Galaxy User
Elwood Linney • 180 wrote:
I apologize for bothering you but I am just beginning to work with
data and it appears as though Galaxy will be quite useful but I
even after looking some of the tutorials that I will be either making
mistakes or just not have a good sense of things.
I used "Fetch" off a new Mac computer to ftp 2 datasets yesterday
whose sum
total memory was over 26gb. It took 5 and one half hours to do that
login is This morning I had hoped to align
fastq data using your tools. When I identified the two files to put
in the right, history column of galaxy, it appears as though this
is taking a long time. Could you give me a time expectation of how
long it
might take to transfer say a 13gb file into the program if it has
been ftp'd to your site?
The unspoken question above is "am I doing something wrong".
Sincerely, but naively,
Elwood Linney
Professor of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
Duke University Medical Center