Question: File Conversion For Viewing
gravatar for James D Cavalcoli
10.1 years ago by
James D Cavalcoli10 wrote:
This is probably a 'newbie' question, but after many years, I'm getting caught up in sequence assembly analysis again. I've been looking around for a way to view *.ace file in a genome browser such as the UCSC or IGV? Is there any straightforward way to view assemblies from Illumina or 454 reads which are in *.ace format in the .bed or .wig formats? Thanks in advance! Jim Cavalcoli Center for Computational Medicine and Biology, University of Michigan
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ADD COMMENTlink modified 10.0 years ago by WENYU CHUNG20 • written 10.1 years ago by James D Cavalcoli10
gravatar for WENYU CHUNG
10.0 years ago by
WENYU CHUNG20 wrote:
Hi Jim, Thank you for using Galaxy. However, at this point we do not plan to write a converter for ace format. Hopefully in the future we will be able to support more formats. Sincerely, Wen-Yu Chung Galaxy team
ADD COMMENTlink written 10.0 years ago by WENYU CHUNG20
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