On my own local instance of galaxy when I have an 'xlsx' file and click the eyeball to view it, it prompts me to download the file with the name 'download' and no file type. However, when I do a similar operation at usegalaxy.org, I get the correct behavior with a history derived filename with the correct extension. How do I get my local instance of galaxy to have the same behavior? I found the below information in the FAQ but there is no longer a universe_wsgi.ini and I didn't see something similar in galaxy.ini or data_types.conf
Configuring Galaxy so a tool can properly generate an Excel file
Is there a way to force the mime type of the downloaded files ? eg an application generates a binary excel file and the mime type is always binary, and the file extension is always "data.ext". This causes problems when the user tries to view ( click the eye icon ) or download ( click the 'save' link ). Changing the file type to "excel" doesn't help, and the user is forced to save the file on his desktop, rename the file to an XLS extension and then open it.
In your universe_wsgi.ini file add this line to [galaxy:datatypes]...
xls = galaxy.datatypes.data:Data,application/vnd.ms-excel
...and set the output format of your tool to xls.