Question: Dataset Error An error occured while running the tool upload1.
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12 weeks ago by
mbt0 wrote:


I was able to download my data into the history panel

~63 Gb 20 shown 63 hidden

all files are highlighted in red with x mark. All have the following associated error Dataset Error An error occured while running the tool upload1.

I'm not sure what the problem ... not enough space...fastq.gz. I can see the sequence when I click on the file. text window states that only the first megabyte of data is shown.


upload ftp galaxy • 123 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 12 weeks ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 12 weeks ago by mbt0
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12 weeks ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:


This can occur when the Uploaded data is too large for file-browsing upload or if the connection is somehow interrupted. Galaxy Main is configured to handle data that is a bit over 2 GB in size when uploading local browsed files, but most Galaxy servers still have a hard limit at 2 GB.

Data over about 1 GB would benefit from being loaded by FTP on any Galaxy server. This would be especially important if your internet connection is slower.

Most fastq data is much larger than 2 GB in size. Try using FTP. For the how-to, please see the Loading Data FAQ here for full details, including a tutorial:

If you still have problems after trying FTP, where are you using Galaxy?

  • If at Galaxy Main, we can help, write back in a reply describing the data in more detail (data size, data type, data loading methods you tried, the results from those) and we can troubleshoot from there.

  • If at another public/private Galaxy server, you'll need to contact the administrators of that server directly (each is independent). Contact information is generally on the home page of the server, or you can check here to see if they included it:

Thanks! Jen, Galaxy team

ADD COMMENTlink written 12 weeks ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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