Question: Htseq-count error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'name_sorted_alignment.bam'
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20 months ago by
arianna.moiani0 wrote:

Dear all, I am facing this error while running HTseq-count on a BAM file obtained with Tophat:

Fatal error: Unknown error occured open: No such file or directory [bam_sort_core] fail to open file name_sorted_alignment.bam [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'name_sorted_alignment.bam' [Exception type: IOError, raised in]

there is no error in the BAM file I am using nor in the command, as the exact same command was performed on the same files a while ago, so this is an error that I am experiencing just now while trying to re-perform the same analysis on the same files. Is it due to problems to the Galaxy server? How can I do to overcome this error?

Thank you, best regards, Arianna

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