If I have a collection of files, how would I extract the identifiers in an XML to pass it into an in-house tool.
Example: I have this collection and want to pass in the identifiers (SRR*.fastq) to a tool, how would I do it?
This is how I'm passing in the files:
<param name="reports" type="data" format="txt" label="Qualimap Genome Report" help="" optional="false" multiple="True" />
If I try to pass in ${report.name} for $reports, I just get the location of the .dat file.
I asked the developers for some feedback at the Galaxy Gitter channel: https://gitter.im/galaxyproject/Lobby?at=5b60dd0dac380e3f3a10f30c
Please feel free to join in on the conversation and/or add more details.
Planemo is the recommended way to troubleshoot tool development issues, but the developers will have more input if that is not working for you, or the resolution is not covered in the current documentation (or I couldn't find it), or the functionality to do this is in progress and/or yet to be ticketed.
Thanks! Jen, Galaxy team