Question: Workflow collection issues: renaming and hidden datasets
gravatar for SOneil
3 months ago by
SOneil40 wrote:


When I use a merge collections tool in a workflow and use the workflow variables #{inputs_0|input} or #{inputs_1|input} (suggested valid inputs) the resulting dataset collection reverts back to "data 31, data 30 and others (merged)" or if I use eg #{inputs_1|input}.Results, the resulting dataset collection is renamed ".Results". How can I get the resulting dataset collection to be labelled the same name as the second collection being merged?

Also, if I use relabel list identifiers or merge collections in my workflow and set the output as hidden, any collection which has gone through one of these steps is not hidden in the final result. What am I doing wrong here and how can I go about fixing it?

The Workflow,

Example Data

Many Thanks,


workflow collections • 136 views
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