Question: discover_dataset rename dataset in history
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2.7 years ago by
United States
brigida.rusconi40 wrote:

Hi, I am using discover_dataset to retrieve multiple output files created. The xml works fine, but I would like to rename the datasets only according to their input and not with the tool description. I have looked at multiple examples of xml, but I could not find one where this is addressed. I want to do that so I can use the tool in a workflow and propagate the name of the dataset throughout the workflow. Is there a way to define the label for retrieved datasets, like you can usually do for output files? output config xml <outputs> <data format="fastqsanger" name="SRR"> <discover_datasets pattern="(?P&lt;designation&gt;.+)\.fastq" ext="fastqsanger" directory="subdir1" visible="true" assign_primary_output="true"/> </data>

example output name FASTQ Dump paired downloader on data 1 (SRR2352237_R1)

wished label for history: SRR2352237_R1

galaxy • 787 views
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