Question: Tool Metadata/Workflow Metadata
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2.4 years ago by
katherine.beaulieu01480 wrote:

Hello everyone, I am working on a tool that will hopefully have the capability to pull metadata from a workflow or just a tool. First of all, I am not sure where I would find workflow metadata and pull that in the tool's config file. Secondly, is the tool metadata only what we see by clicking on the little 'i' in the right panel after the tool has finished executing? If so, how do I access this information through my tool config file? For example, I would like to store the rerun parameters for a file or a workflow, either as an xml file or some other file type for easy access. Thanks!

tool metadata galaxy • 697 views
ADD COMMENTlink written 2.4 years ago by katherine.beaulieu01480

The accessing of the metadata does not necessarily have to be done through the tool config file. For example, I'm not sure if Galaxy does this or not, but if the metadata were to be stored in a file somewhere then it would be easy to access.

ADD REPLYlink written 2.4 years ago by katherine.beaulieu01480
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