Question: Using Files Produced By "Barcode Splitter"
gravatar for Jeremy Coate
7.4 years ago by
Jeremy Coate70
Jeremy Coate70 wrote:
I used the "Barcode Splitter" tool to split multiplexed RNA-Seq libraries into separate files. I would now like to map the reads from each of these fastq files to a reference genome. However, the fastq files generated by Barcode Splitter don't appear in the "Fastq File" pull-down menus within the the BWA or Bowtie launch pages. I'm probably missing something obvious, but what is the trick for making these files available for the mapping tools? Do I need to import them into my history somehow? Thanks! Jeremy
bwa alignment bowtie • 1.6k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 7.4 years ago by Jim Johnson40 • written 7.4 years ago by Jeremy Coate70
gravatar for David K Crossman
7.4 years ago by
United States
David K Crossman130 wrote:
Jeremy, The files need to be groomed using the FastQ Groomer so that they will end up in the fastqsanger state. Then your files will show up in the pull-down menus. David To: Subject: [galaxy-user] using files produced by "Barcode Splitter" I used the "Barcode Splitter" tool to split multiplexed RNA-Seq libraries into separate files. I would now like to map the reads from each of these fastq files to a reference genome. However, the fastq files generated by Barcode Splitter don't appear in the "Fastq File" pull-down menus within the the BWA or Bowtie launch pages. I'm probably missing something obvious, but what is the trick for making these files available for the mapping tools? Do I need to import them into my history somehow? Thanks! Jeremy
ADD COMMENTlink written 7.4 years ago by David K Crossman130
Thanks David, I had considered this possibility but, curiously, the files don't show up in the FastQ Groomer pull-down menu either. The original (multiplexed) data file that I split using the Barcode Splitter is there (and, incidentally, I ran FastQ Groomer on that before doing the barcode split), but none of the 3 files resulting from the splitter show up. Any other thoughts? It seems like the new files just aren't landing in my history, though I can look at them by clicking their links from the Barcode Splitter output. Jeremy
ADD REPLYlink written 7.4 years ago by Jeremy Coate70
gravatar for Jim Johnson
7.4 years ago by
Jim Johnson40
Jim Johnson40 wrote:
I've had users make a similar request for the split files to appear in their history. I made my own wrapper to enable this behavior. It presents a list of barcodes from the barcode file input. Any barcodes the user selects will have the resulting files copied to the users history as new datasets. I uploaded my barcode splitter tool configs to the toolshed: as repository: barcode_splitter JJ Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2011 13:33:58 -0700 From: Jeremy Coate <> To: David K Crossman <> Cc: "" <> Subject: Re: [galaxy-user] using files produced by "Barcode Splitter" Message- ID: <caa2bwd5ueraqeoueq97tfnhkwvhziq89whvr-oy04ov-""> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Thanks David, I had considered this possibility but, curiously, the files don't show up in the FastQ Groomer pull-down menu either. The original (multiplexed) data file that I
ADD COMMENTlink written 7.4 years ago by Jim Johnson40
gravatar for Jim Johnson
7.4 years ago by
Jim Johnson40
Jim Johnson40 wrote:
Jeremy, Usually, the users saved the files to their local machine by clicking on the links, and then uploaded them again to the galaxy server. It can be possible to copy the link location, and paste it into the upload tools URL textarea. Ideally, it would be nice for the tool developer to be able to include a link in the html that would "promote" the file to a dataset in the current history. JJ
ADD COMMENTlink written 7.4 years ago by Jim Johnson40
Ah ha - thanks. I was trying to click the link, but it kept crashing, presumably because the files are too big. The URL method seems to work, though. I agree that it would be nice if there was a way to bump the files directly into your history without the download/upload steps. Thanks again for the help. Jeremy
ADD REPLYlink written 7.4 years ago by Jeremy Coate70
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