Question: Scramble Pbs_Python Egg
gravatar for Luobin Yang
7.4 years ago by
Luobin Yang30
Luobin Yang30 wrote:
Hi, I am trying to scramble the pbs_python egg for my galaxy installation, when I execute the following command: "LIBTORQUE_DIR=/usr/local/lib python scripts/ pbs_python" I got lots messages like the following: scramble(): Egg already exists, remove to force rebuild: /home/galaxy/galaxy-dist/eggs/pysam-0.4.2_kanwei_b10f6e722e9a- py2.6-linux-i686-ucs4.egg ......... but there is message about pbs_python and there is no pbs_python.egg generated in the eggs directory Anything wrong? Thanks, Luobin
galaxy • 948 views
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