Question: FTP upload issues
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8 months ago by
lippsdd0 wrote:

I recently been using a FTP client to upload several FASTQ files to galaxy. Unfortunately, I have ran into some troubles after successfully loading several files onto the FTP server. Using the client (filezilla), I am currently receiving "ERROR: The data connection could not be established: ETIMEDOUT - Connection attempt timed out" when I attempt to connect to the FTP server. After troubleshooting on my own for a couple hours now and checking all of the site settings (encryption, protocol, etc.) and using a few techniques suggested online to solve the problem, I have come up empty handed. Some feedback has suggested contacting the server hosing provider to check the firewall configuration since that is most likely what is blocking my connection. Help would be appreciated. Thanks!

ADD COMMENTlink modified 7 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 8 months ago by lippsdd0
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7 months ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:


If some files uploaded, there were no changes made to Filezilla, and you are loading from the same location/internet connection, then your settings are Ok.

There have been some problems with FTP Upload timing-out more often recently. You may have run into a particularly busy time. Our administrator at Galaxy Main is working to improve the connection. Meanwhile, resuming transfer -- and re-accepting the security certificate -- is often necessary when loading large amounts of data. You don't need to completely overwrite files - pick a different option when Filezilla asks how to replace/resume (the original file's timestamp is enough - if the same, don't replace).

Thanks, Jen, Galaxy team

ADD COMMENTlink written 7 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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