Question: Galaxy deleted all data and won't let me see new history/data upload
gravatar for pearsonbrittney
10 months ago by
pearsonbrittney0 wrote:

An issue with the Galaxy site caused all of the data in my history to be deleted and purged when I clicked "delete datasets". I waas not prompted to purge the dataset but when the page refreshed, all of my data showed as deleted and purged. I have since tried to re-upload my data (~156gb) and it will not show up in my history. When I use the methods to find my datasets for the new upload it shows that files are being uploaded to the deleted and purged history and won't let me interact or see the file history.

I know the new data upload is there because it shows a disk size of over 50gbs. I need a way to either recover the lost data or interact with the data I am uploading now. below is a copy of the saved history data.

Name Datasets Tags Sharing Size on Disk Created Last Updated↑ Status

Unnamed history 79 Add tags 64.7 GB ~2 days ago ~26 seconds ago deleted permanently

Copy of 'Unnamed history' 142 Add tags 58.9 GB ~29 minutes ago ~1 minute ago current history

Unnamed history Add tags 0 bytes ~2 hours ago ~2 hours ago

For 0 selected items: Rename Delete Delete Permanently Undelete Histories that have been deleted for more than a time period specified by the Galaxy administrator(s) may be permanently deleted.

ADD COMMENTlink modified 10 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 10 months ago by pearsonbrittney0

Your first history seems to have your fastq.gz files - I can see it when impersonating your account. Does the problem still persist for you?

ADD REPLYlink written 10 months ago by Martin Čech ♦♦ 4.9k

My apologies for the late response. Thank you for your help and response, I can actually see and interact with the new uploaded data. I do still have a question about why the system deleted the entire history without confirmation (so I can avoid it in the future), also my history still shows a flag as being "purged", is this normal? Again thank you for your time and assistance.

ADD REPLYlink written 10 months ago by pearsonbrittney0
gravatar for Martin Čech
10 months ago by
Martin Čech ♦♦ 4.9k
United States
Martin Čech ♦♦ 4.9k wrote:

You should always be prompted when purging I think, maybe you hit enter on the alert and confirmed? The 'purged' flag is also weird and shouldn't be happening. If I were you I would copy my data to a new history and continue from there, ignoring this purged-but-not-purged one.

ADD COMMENTlink modified 10 months ago • written 10 months ago by Martin Čech ♦♦ 4.9k
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