Question: February 18, 2011 Galaxy Development News Brief
Jennifer Hillman Jackson ♦ 25k wrote:
February 18, 2011 Galaxy Development News Brief
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= New Ways to Search Data Libraries =
In addition to searching on data library names and descriptions, we
introduced the ability to search on attributes of library datasets.
Two different approaches to searching library datasets are supported
1. Searching with whoosh
2. Searching with Apache's Lucene
(Contributed by Brad Chapman)
The public Galaxy instances hosted at Penn State University use the
whoosh implementation, while Brad Chapman's instance uses the Lucene
implementation. Choose either of these implementations for your local
Galaxy instances (but not both).
There are two new config settings in the "Data Libraries" section of
universe_wsgi.ini.sample for these implementations (again, uncomment
only one of these if you choose to use this feature):
# Search data libraries with whoosh
#enable_whoosh_library_search = True
# Whoosh indexes are stored in this directory.
#whoosh_index_dir = database/whoosh_indexes
# Search data libraries with lucene
#enable_lucene_library_search = False
# maxiumum file size to index for searching, in MB
#fulltext_max_size = 500
# base URL of server providing search functionality using lucene
#fulltext_url = http://localhost:8081
Details for searching with whoosh
You will need to build indexes on a regular, timely basis for
your library datasets. You can do this by running the following
included in the distribution:
% <your galaxy="" install="" dir="">/scripts/data_libraries/
Running this script will build whoosh indexes in the directory named
the config setting labeled whoosh_index_dir shown above.
We recommend adding something like the following setting to your
server's cron settings to keep the indexes current:
0,30 * * * * cd /var/opt/galaxy/g2test/galaxy_test ; bash
The above setting rebuilds the indexes every 30 minutes. You may want
to build them more often because search results will include only
library datasets that were indexed the last time the script was
executed. In other words, if a library dataset was uploaded after the
whoosh indexes were created, it will not be returned in search results
even if it meets the search criteria.
Using whoosh, you can search on the "name", "info", "message" and
"dbkey" attributes of library datasets using the following new search
box displayed at the top of the "Data Libraries" page:
Clicking the "Advanced search" link below the search box allows you to
search data library names and descriptions as you did in the past:
Details for searching with Lucene
If you use the Lucene implementation instead of whoosh, there are a
differences. You'll need to build Lucene indexes using the following
<your galaxy="" install="" dir="">/scripts/data_libraries/
In addition to the "name", "info", "message" and "dbkey" attributes,
this implementation will also index the contents of your library
datasets. You should decide on the optimal values for the following
config settings for your Galaxy instance:
# maxiumum file size to index for searching, in MB
#fulltext_max_size = 500
You'll also need to decide on a value for the following config
# base URL of server providing search functionality using lucene
#fulltext_url = http://localhost:8081
= Managing disk space with Data Libraries =
Adjusted the script to more correctly handle the
lifecycle of Library Datasets.
Managing library datasets is a bit complex, so here is a scenario that
hopefully provides clarification. The complexities of handling
datasets is mostly contained in the delete_datasets() method in the script.
Example of usage:
1. Assume we have 1 library dataset with
LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation -> LibraryDataset and Dataset
This dataset would have the following database column values:
LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation deleted: False
LibraryDataset deleted: False, purged: False
Dataset deleted: False purged: False
Now a user deletes the associated dataset from a data library via a UI
menu option.
This action results in the following database column values:
LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation deleted: False
LibraryDataset deleted: True*, purged: False
Dataset deleted: False, purged: False
2. After the number of days configured for the delete_datasets()
(option -6 in the script) have passed, execution
the delete_datasets() method results in the following database column
LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation deleted: True
LibraryDataset deleted: True, purged: True
Dataset deleted: True*, purged: False
3. After the number of days configured for the purge_datasets() method
(option -3 in the script) have passed, execution
the purge_datasets() method results in the following database column
LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation deleted: True
LibraryDataset deleted: True, purged: True
Dataset deleted: True, purged: True
(dataset file removed from disk if -r flag is used)
This scenario is about as simple as it gets. Keep in mind that a
Dataset object can have many HistoryDatasetAssociations and many
LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociations, and a LibraryDataset can have many
Another way of stating it is: LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation objects
map LibraryDataset objects to Dataset objects, and Dataset objects may
be mapped to History objects via HistoryDatasetAssociation objects.
Updated & Improved
= Current Tools =
* Update FASTX tool wrappers to handle fastqsanger formats.
* The BLAST+ tools are now uncommented in the sample tool
* Fix an Rpy syntax problem in the Histogram tool that was causing the
tool to fail in some local installations.
* Enable Cuffcompare to take an arbitrary number of input GTF files.
* Add GTF sniffer to datatypes config sample file.
= New Tools =
* Added a Line/Word/Character counter to Text Manipulation tool group.
* Extended Extract Genomic DNA tool to support GFF/GTF features and
custom genomes:
** This is especially useful for extracting genomic data that
to transcripts in GTF format, as is produced by Cufflinks.
** Tool also now accepts sequence data from a history item, enabling
extraction of data from custom genomes.
= New Community Tools Added (Tool Shed) =
* Velvet, ABySS, Minimus2, Phrap, and Newbler.
= Data Libraries =
* Fix a bug that included the option for a regular (non-admin) user to
upload a directory of files when the config setting existed, but the
user's directory did not exist. Instead of throwing an exception, an
attempt to create the directory will now be made. If the attempt
the option to "Upload a directory of files" will not be included in
select list on the upload form for that particular user.
* When browsing a data library, only display the check boxes and the
actions to perform on multiple selected datasets if library datasets
* Clean up the behavior when performing an action on multiple library
datasets. Instead of throwing an error and not allowing the action on
any of the datasets if the user is not authorized to perform the
on one of them, all "unauthorized" datasets are now left alone and the
action is performed on all datasets for which the user is authorized
perform the action. Appropriate messages detail what occurred.
* Allow regular users to delete multiple datasets returned from
dataset searches based on the behavior described above.
* Do not include the "Select datasets for import into selected
histories" option in the actions popup menu at the data library level
the library's root folder doesn't contain any accessible datasets.
behavior the same for folder popup menus.
* Fix a bug where a regular user could never see deleted library items
when toggling show / hide deleted items in a data library.
* Add a purged column to the LibraryDataset table. A LibraryDataset is
marked "purged" when all associated LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociations
are marked "deleted".
= Workflows =
* Workflow steps on the "Run workflow" page are now collapsible to
the title bar with the tool name and annotation. Steps without any
inputs to be set will be collapsed by default.
* When running a workflow, possible values for Input Dataset steps are
filtered to datatypes that are valid for immediately subsequent steps,
instead of just using 'data'.
* Jquery1.5 workflow fixes with quotations and flagging of outputs.
Workflows containing tools that are not loaded will now open in the
editor instead of failing on the dictionary lookup. The offending
are marked as having an error state, and the workflow cannot be saved.
This will enable users to at least look at and try to recover a
by removing (and potentially replacing) the offending steps, as well
providing a better view of what's actually wrong with the workflow.
* Workflows will no longer try to run when required tools are not
An error message is displayed with a link to the editor view (to fix
the workflow).
* Interval datatype now uses line estimates for large files. This
potential "'?' lines" seen by some users.
* Removed "Annotation:" labels for a cleaner look on the run workflow
* New History functionality now shows only the checkbox by default,
displaying the input for a history name only when checked.
* Tool text has been standardized to refer to datasets as such,
of the older descriptor 'query'.
* We now use the inflector utility to pluralize groupings. Fixes
"Querys", etc.
= Trackster =
* Enhancements:
** Support large (10,000+) sets of chromosomes/contigs, as is often
case for low/non-model coverage genomes.
** Improve speed by streamlining data fetching and caching in
** Add support for child tracks.
** UI hints for zooming out/in.
** Extend CIGAR string parsing to handle all operations (however,
insertions still not fully supported).
** History dataset selection: show history name, show and order by hid
in display.
** Modified interval index squish mode to display blocks and treat
intervals as half-open.
* Bug fixes:
** Fix CIGAR string parsing bug that prevented sequence data from
displayed correctly.
** BED files without score column or with scores that are floats can
be displayed.
** Better handling of error messages so that messages and data do not
= User Interface (UI) =
* Search improvements:
** Size of search box increases to show help text (column label).
** Help text is highlighted rather than hidden when user clicks on
search box.
** Standard and advanced search divs are toggled correctly when moving
between searches.
= Galaxy Reports =
* Clarify in the reports config that Galaxy reports do not support
* Add 2 new sample tracking reports and 2 new workflow reports, each
which provides the total number of items per month and the total
of items per user (per month).
= Source =
* Better egg version conflict resolution. Our eggs should always
override dependencies installed elsewhere on sys.path.
* Job runners are now loaded dynamically; changes to the source are no
longer required. Existing 3rd-party runners will need to add a class
instantiate to the runner-global '__all__' list. See the provided
runners for examples.
* The Galaxy-side code for the LWR job runner by John Chilton is now
included. Documentation in the wiki is forthcoming, to learn more see
John's documentation at:
"LWR allows you to create a "cluster" out of any systems without
installing specialized tightly integrated DRM software like
= Bug Fixes =
* Gracefully fall back to English if a client requests a locale not
installed on the server.
* Don't attempt to check for the python-daemon egg on Python 2.4 (it's
used by an optional experimental component and is not compatible with
Python 2.4).
* The drmaa job runner would not always detect job completion on some
systems. This change could also cause job failures to be considered
successful job completions, but we have no way to test for these
conditions. Please report if you discover this to be the case.
* Migrating to database version 62 no longer fails for MySQL.
Thanks Leandro Hermida.
* Downloading eggs for offline systems works again.
= About Galaxy =
Galaxy is supported in part by the following:
Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences
The Institute for CyberScience at Penn State
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February 18, 2011