Hi I have uploaded the fasta files (3 chromosomes) of my genome of interest. I downloaded FASTA files from NCBI http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/810407602?report=fasta (On the top right hand corner, I clicked Send -> complete record -> FASTA file). I uploaded these files using Firezilla FTP. However, mapping using 'BWA for Illumina' or 'Bowtie for Illumina' the job gets executed but the action gets aborted. The fasta files I uploaded were recognised as fasta files by the system while mapping. I have used the same fastq file using a related built in reference genome and it worked fine. If anyone knows what might be going on may they please get in touch with me to help me figure it?
I would really appreciate your help.
Kind Regards, Sayali.