Question: Mapping with BWA Illumina - does not start!
gravatar for zeus.sravanthi
2.5 years ago by
TIFR, India
zeus.sravanthi0 wrote:

I am running a concatenated data set using CloudMap Unmapped Mutant Workflow. Step 5, mapping with BWA Illumina does not start. It has been 2 days. I have run multiple workflows. The comments upon clicking the step say : "This is a new dataset and not all of its data are available yet". It appears to me that the step is inputting data from step data 17 and data 21 (that's what the step is named as, instead of data 1 and 2). I have looked at the workflow, seems OK, input files are the Ref. genome and FASTAqsanger files.

Don't know what is wrong. Please help me fix it!

bwa • 729 views
ADD COMMENTlink written 2.5 years ago by zeus.sravanthi0

I guess the input is fine, considering the fasta and ref seq are data 17 and 21 in a parallel history where I imported them from. But the BWA still doesnt start. Please help.

ADD REPLYlink written 2.5 years ago by zeus.sravanthi0

It seems to be working, but much slower than usual. I have used it twice since Friday.

ADD REPLYlink written 2.5 years ago by bryantl90
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