Question: Bam To Bigwig
Susanne Warrenfeltz • 40 wrote:
I am trying to convert a BAM file to Bigwig using the Convert Format
option under Attributes (I click on the pencil next to the file name
in my history)
The conversion fails with the error message:
11L3_v3 is not found in chromosome sizes file.
11L3_v3 is a genomic sequence ID for the genome that the BAM file
represents. The genome I need is not in the list of Database/build
option in Galaxy. How do I get my conversion to work?
I have uploaded the fasta file for my genome into my history but I do
not see a way to point the conversion tool to that file. Am I on the
right track?
Cheers from a Galaxy Newbie!
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modified 4.9 years ago
Jennifer Hillman Jackson ♦ 25k
4.9 years ago by
Susanne Warrenfeltz • 40