Question: Galaxy Server Error
gravatar for John, Shibu
8.5 years ago by
John, Shibu10
John, Shibu10 wrote:
Hi, I am not able to connect the Galaxy server "". Its showing internal error.. can you please help me on the same? Thanks, Shibu John MRC Clinical Sciences Centre Imperial College London Hammersmith Hospital Campus Du Cane Road London, W12 0NN
galaxy • 1.3k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 5.3 years ago by Elizabeth Clare20 • written 8.5 years ago by John, Shibu10
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5.3 years ago by
Elizabeth Clare20 wrote:
Hi, I think Galaxy was down earlier this week - I saw several several messages when trying to access the public server, but I'm still getting no function on the public site. Are there still problems? I can load the page now, make new workflows and set tasks but no tasks have been completed in a few days. For example, I set a file to upload yesterday and it still has the blue working indication. Tasks from two days ago are grey and "waiting to run". Any ideas what has gone wrong? Beth On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 12:18 PM, Elizabeth Clare < -- Dr. Elizabeth L. Clare School of Biological and Chemical Sciences Queen Mary University of London Mile End Road, London E1 4NS Room 1.02, G. E. Fogg Building +44 (0)207 882 5687 "If you say yes more often than you say no, you will do interesting things in your life"
ADD COMMENTlink written 5.3 years ago by Elizabeth Clare20
Hello, I am on the same boat. I experience similar problems. What is wrong with Galaxy? Best wishes, Anto ________________________________ To: Subject: Re: [galaxy-user] Galaxy server down? Hi, I think Galaxy was down earlier this week - I saw several several messages when trying to access the public server, but I'm still getting no function on the public site. Are there still problems? I can load the page now, make new workflows and set tasks but no tasks have been completed in a few days. For example, I set a file to upload yesterday and it still has the blue working indication. Tasks from two days ago are grey and "waiting to run". Any ideas what has gone wrong? Beth Hi Jen, I have had little response from the galaxy public server in the last two days (I'm in England) ( At the moment I cannot load the webpage or any page associated with it. I have had messages "Internal Server Error" then one about a brief shut down saying we should contact an administrator if it went on for a while. It appeared to come back early this morning but now is unresponsive again. I guess I'm reporting a continual error now. Has it gone down? Thanks, Beth -- Dr. Elizabeth L. Clare School of Biological and Chemical Sciences Queen Mary University of London Mile End Road, London E1 4NS Room 1.02, G. E. Fogg Building<> +44 (0)207 882 5687<tel:%2b44%20%280%29207%20882%205687> "If you say yes more often than you say no, you will do interesting things in your life" -- Dr. Elizabeth L. Clare School of Biological and Chemical Sciences Queen Mary University of London Mile End Road, London E1 4NS Room 1.02, G. E. Fogg Building<> +44 (0)207 882 5687 "If you say yes more often than you say no, you will do interesting things in your life"
ADD REPLYlink written 5.3 years ago by Anto Praveen Rajkumar Rajamani80
I am also dead in the water. I sent a post to this effect last week. Last Friday I left a job queued up on the main server and as of this morning, it still had not run after 2-1/2 days. Can someone notify us about what is wrong, and what is being done to fix it? Best regards, Sam ________________________________ To: Elizabeth Clare; Subject: Re: [galaxy-user] Galaxy server down? Hello, I am on the same boat. I experience similar problems. What is wrong with Galaxy? Best wishes, Anto ________________________________ To: Subject: Re: [galaxy-user] Galaxy server down? Hi, I think Galaxy was down earlier this week - I saw several several messages when trying to access the public server, but I'm still getting no function on the public site. Are there still problems? I can load the page now, make new workflows and set tasks but no tasks have been completed in a few days. For example, I set a file to upload yesterday and it still has the blue working indication. Tasks from two days ago are grey and "waiting to run". Any ideas what has gone wrong? Beth Hi Jen, I have had little response from the galaxy public server in the last two days (I'm in England) ( At the moment I cannot load the webpage or any page associated with it. I have had messages "Internal Server Error" then one about a brief shut down saying we should contact an administrator if it went on for a while. It appeared to come back early this morning but now is unresponsive again. I guess I'm reporting a continual error now. Has it gone down? Thanks, Beth -- Dr. Elizabeth L. Clare School of Biological and Chemical Sciences Queen Mary University of London Mile End Road, London E1 4NS Room 1.02, G. E. Fogg Building<> +44 (0)207 882 5687<tel:%2b44%20%280%29207%20882%205687> "If you say yes more often than you say no, you will do interesting things in your life" -- Dr. Elizabeth L. Clare School of Biological and Chemical Sciences Queen Mary University of London Mile End Road, London E1 4NS Room 1.02, G. E. Fogg Building<> +44 (0)207 882 5687 "If you say yes more often than you say no, you will do interesting things in your life"
ADD REPLYlink written 5.3 years ago by Politz, Samuel M.70
Hi Sam, The job queue stalled over the weekend and has been recovering as of yesterday. All queued jobs should have run at this time, but if you are still experiencing problems, please let us know. Sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks for using Galaxy. --nate
ADD REPLYlink written 5.3 years ago by Nate Coraor3.2k
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