Question: Server Error - Help Please
gravatar for Hefferon, Timothy (NIH/NHGRI) [E]
12.6 years ago by
Hi, I am trying to use Galaxy to (1) obtain a multiple alignment file from the genome browser, and (2) convert it to multiple-FASTA format using the Galazy utility. I am getting an "Unrecoverable error in the server" error. I tried sending the alignment file but your server bounced the message back to me since the total content was over 40kb (it was 60kb). Can you please help? Thanks, Tim
galaxy • 861 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 12.6 years ago by Dan Blankenberg130 • written 12.6 years ago by Hefferon, Timothy (NIH/NHGRI) [E]30
gravatar for Dan Blankenberg
12.6 years ago by
Dan Blankenberg130 wrote:
Tim, Thanks for your interest in Galaxy. There was infact a problem, which has been fix. We truely appreciate your interest, and especially bug reports. The maf to fasta extractors should be working properly on all servers. Please do not hesitate to contact us again with any more Galaxy related issues. Thanks, Dan Blankenberg
ADD COMMENTlink written 12.6 years ago by Dan Blankenberg130
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