I uploaded a 9,057,353,100 byte FASTQ file to Galaxy via ftp. This is about 9.057 GB or 8.436 GiB. Galaxy shows the uploaded file size as 8.4 GB. Is this actually 8.4 GiB?
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Question: Does Galaxy designate file sizes by SI or IEC?
john • 20 wrote:
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modified 4.6 years ago
Istvan Albert ♦ 250
4.6 years ago by
john • 20
john • 20 wrote:
Possibly, it's just that 9.05 Gigabyte (1 GB = 10^9 B = 1,000,000,000 bytes) equals 8.4 Gibibyte (1 GiB = 2^30 B = 1,073,741,824 B). My file is 9.05 GB or 8.4 GiB. Galaxy shows my 9.05 GB or 8.4 GiB file as 8.4 GB. It just seems coincidental that the 8.4 value Galaxy gives in GB is what my file actually is in GiB, which makes me think they may be using the SI unit, where the prefix represents a power of ten (kB, MB, GB), when they actually mean IEC units, where the prefix represents a power of two (KiB, MiB, GiB).
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