Question: Metadata Error When Using Megablast
gravatar for Elaine Youngman
4.8 years ago by
Elaine Youngman10 wrote:
Hello, I am attempting to megablast a FASTA file containing ~45,000 records of 100nt each against the nt database using the Galaxy web interface. I am using a Galaxy-generated FASTA file produced from a groomed FASTQ file using the 'FASTQ to tabular' and 'Tabular to FASTA' tools. When I try to use this as input for the Megablast tool, I get the "Required metadata values are missing" error. When I look at the attributes of the FASTA file, the datatype is indeed set to FASTA. I have tried downloading the FASTA file and reuploading it as a FASTA file explicitly with the same result. I also tried changing the FASTA width to 79, and trimming the records to 70nt each – not the problem. If I make a file containing only the first FASTA record, I get the same error. Any suggestions? Thanks! Elaine
galaxy • 949 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 4.8 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 4.8 years ago by Elaine Youngman10
gravatar for Jennifer Hillman Jackson
4.8 years ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:
HI Elaine, Nice job of troubleshooting! Let's find out where the problem is. At this point, it is generally quickest when I look at the actual data. Are you working on the public Main instance at And if not, are you able to duplicate the issue there, using a small test set of your data (please test, as this is also informative for troubleshooting)? Once the error is on Main, either share a history link with me or submit one of the failed runs as a bug report. In the email/bug report comments, note the meablast error and your account email if different from this email. I'll look at everything, but also want to focus on the most current troubleshooting run. ex: #4 query .fasta + #5 custom .fasta => #7 megablast error Datasets that are /_not permenently deleted_/ are best, as is including the complete analysis in the same history (e.g. original upload dataset, any grooming or other manipulations, etc.). Sometimes there are secondary issues (related or not) - I'll give feedback about those - and if there is a software or config problem, more info can only help. Launch a re-run if you need to, for datasets key to the error that are purged already, so I can see the exact UI parameters as displayed in the tool forms (to compare versus the command-lines executed). You don't need to wait for these to complete before sharing. How to share/submit bugs reports (just do one, your choice): If the problem is not reproducible on Main, and you are using a local, cloud, or other public Galaxy instance, write back on list, and we can work from there. I'll watch for your reply. Avoid posting share links to the public list, or 'publishing' (just 'share'), to keep data private. Best, Jen Galaxy team ps. Anyone else experience problems, the same guidelines apply. If sharing a history, please start a galaxy-user thread first, then share (this is when emailing team members direct with problems is best), it help us with tracking. Bug reports from errors on Main can be sent in directly from the history/dataset. I haven't posted the current best-practice guidelines for error reporting yet this year to this list, so took the opportunity to put this in our mail archives for searches/reference. Please excuse the length. -- Jennifer Hillman-Jackson
ADD COMMENTlink written 4.8 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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