Question: Metadata Error When Using Megablast
Elaine Youngman • 10 wrote:
I am attempting to megablast a FASTA file containing ~45,000 records
of 100nt each against the nt database using the Galaxy web interface.
I am using a Galaxy-generated FASTA file produced from a groomed FASTQ
file using the 'FASTQ to tabular' and 'Tabular to FASTA' tools. When I
try to use this as input for the Megablast tool, I get the "Required
metadata values are missing" error. When I look at the attributes of
the FASTA file, the datatype is indeed set to FASTA. I have tried
downloading the FASTA file and reuploading it as a FASTA file
explicitly with the same result. I also tried changing the FASTA width
to 79, and trimming the records to 70nt each not the problem. If I
make a file containing only the first FASTA record, I get the same
error. Any suggestions?
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modified 4.8 years ago
Jennifer Hillman Jackson ♦ 25k
4.8 years ago by
Elaine Youngman • 10