Question: Blast On Galaxy?
gravatar for Jorge Braun
5.0 years ago by
Jorge Braun70
Jorge Braun70 wrote:
hello users, 😊 My name is J.Braun and I am a new user of galaxy... It is a great tool for biologists. I have some questions and I would appreciate you could help me. 1) can I make a blast in Galaxy? 2) If so, can I download blast in galaxy? 3) If so, can I set up blast in my galaxy for analysis with only a particular species? Thank you very much
galaxy • 1.7k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 5.0 years ago by Björn Grüning350 • written 5.0 years ago by Jorge Braun70
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5.0 years ago by
Björn Grüning350 wrote:
Hi Jorge, Yes! Yes! Yes! But you need a local Galaxy instance, or a Galaxy instance where you can convince the administrator to install the Blast Tools. To install the Blast tools you can use the Tool Shed: Here is the repository: You can put arbitrary blast databases into Galaxy (have a look at the location files - *.loc), you also can create your own databases with Galaxy and search against that. Cheers, Bjoern
ADD COMMENTlink written 5.0 years ago by Björn Grüning350
Thanks Björn for the information and the links :) I'm going to investigate galaxy and see if I can resolve the doubts. Cheers, Jorge
ADD REPLYlink written 5.0 years ago by Jorge Braun70
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