Question: Viral Metagenomics
gravatar for Mohammad Mohiuddin
5.8 years ago by
Mohammad Mohiuddin10 wrote:
Hi, Can you please tell me how to work with viral metagenomics in Galaxy? When uploading the data files, there is an option to select the reference genome but in case of viral metagenomics, I can't select any individual genome. What will I do in this step? After uploading and processing the data, I will have to BLAST all my sequences using NCBI BLAST but there is no BLAST option in galaxy. How can I do that? And, is there any way to change the default E-value of Galaxy? Thanks, Mohiuddin
galaxy • 1.0k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 5.8 years ago by Peter Cock1.4k • written 5.8 years ago by Mohammad Mohiuddin10
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5.8 years ago by
Peter Cock1.4k
European Union
Peter Cock1.4k wrote:
Hi Mohiuddin, The public Galaxy server only offers Megablast (under NGS:Mapping) and only against four specific databases. If you want more options, there are wrappers for the NCBI BLAST+ suite in the Galaxy Tool Shed which can be installed in a local copy of Galaxy. If your group, department/university/company has their own Galaxy Instance, speak to your local Galaxy administrator about this. Regards, Peter
ADD COMMENTlink written 5.8 years ago by Peter Cock1.4k
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