Question: Genomespace?
gravatar for Erick Antezana
9.4 years ago by
Erick Antezana570 wrote:
Hi, I read in the following news : "Broad Institute Develops GenomeSpace Platform to Integrate -Omics Tools, Enable Reproducible Workflows June 29, 2009 GenomeSpace will initially integrate six tools — the UCSC Genome Browser, Genomatica, Cytoscape, *Galaxy*, Integrative Genomics Viewer, and GenePattern — but the plan is to eventually enable other developers to easily add their tools to the platform to create a "web 2.0" community for bioinformatics." I was wondering how the Galaxy developers see this integration of Galaxy within such platform? cheers, Erick
galaxy • 808 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 9.4 years ago by Richard Klancer10 • written 9.4 years ago by Erick Antezana570
gravatar for Richard Klancer
9.4 years ago by
Richard Klancer10 wrote:
Hey, Just thought I'd pipe in with some context. There's some discussion of this at the FriendFeed room for the ISMB/ECCB conference and on a blog: management-research reproducibility-through-genepattern-ismb-dam-sig-2009/ --Richard Klancer
ADD COMMENTlink written 9.4 years ago by Richard Klancer10
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