Question: Enable/Disable Scratchbook option
gravatar for vebaev
21 months ago by
vebaev130 wrote:

Hi, I have worked and installing tools for more than a few months with Galaxy, but for the option above "Enable/Disable Scratchbook" I have never understood the meaning purpose of it. Can someone enlight me what is this for? :)

scratchbook • 512 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 21 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 21 months ago by vebaev130
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21 months ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:


The Scratchbook functionality will place content from many dataset link-outs into pop-up windows, instead of the center panel. Note that all actions/link-outs are not activated or even appropriate for this function, but many are. One use case is visually comparing the content of more than one dataset side-by-side - with the added benefit of not losing your place within a larger history. Please note that if the dataset is in compressed format, it is not displayed in the "peek" view or with scatchbook (at this time).

Give it a try to see how this works exactly. Start with the "View Dataset" option (eye icon) as an example. It will work with one dataset, but try testing with at least two datasets to review the utility. I tend to use this function for some tasks and not others, depending on what I am doing. It is very simple to use. Just click on the sketchbook icon in the masthead to toggle on/off, real time.

I think you'll find this functionality super useful from both my experience and the feedback from others using it.

Take care, Jen, Galaxy team

ADD COMMENTlink written 21 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
1 ....I know Galaxy for 1-2 years but never suspect there is this nice feature till now. I always go back-forward on view datasets and try to remember each one so I can figure out the outcome. This will save me time definitely :)

ADD REPLYlink written 21 months ago by vebaev130

Great! We are in the process of upgrading our wiki. I bookmarked this to remind me to create a help/example usage page for it. Some Galaxy videos at Vimeo also include a demonstration of the function - I'll include those in the new help.

Thanks for asking the question! Will likely also help others! Jen

ADD REPLYlink modified 21 months ago • written 21 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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