Question: Running Gops_Cluster.Py On The Command Line Fails
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9.4 years ago by
Daniel Gerlach10 wrote:
Dear Galaxy Team, I followed the instructions and downloaded the Galaxy distribution according to the WIKI. As I do want to run some specific tools locally on the shell, I put import sys and sys.path.append("/somedir/galaxy/lib") before the galaxy module is loaded. However the tool seems not to work and still gives me some errors which I can not figure out. I'd be thankful for some ideas. $ python /somedir/galaxy/tools/new_operations/ Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/cegg/gerlach/bin/galaxy/tools/new_operations/", line 22, in ? from import * File "/home/cegg/gerlach/bin/galaxy/lib/galaxy/tools/", line 16, in ? from galaxy.util.template import fill_template File "/home/cegg/gerlach/bin/galaxy/lib/galaxy/util/", line 2, in ? pkg_resources.require( "Cheetah" ) File "/home/cegg/gerlach/bin/galaxy/lib/galaxy/eggs/", line 544, in require sys.path.remove(entry) ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list With best regrads, Daniel -- Daniel Gerlach, PhD student Computational Evolutionary Genomics Group (CEGG) email: www:
galaxy • 935 views
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