Question: Url File Upload... And File Upload Renamed
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6.3 years ago by
Neil.Burdett@csiro.au310 wrote:
1. How do I transfer files using the URL? As a test I wanted to transfer a file to my local installation of Galaxy so I put in the location of the file on my Linux box. file:///home/bmladmin/demo_data- old/file.nii.gz<file: \\home\bmladmin\demo_data-old\file.nii.gz=""> into the "Get Data" URL box. But it seems to think that this is code that I've pasted rather than a link to the file. Will it only work if it is proceeded by http? 2. Also, when uploading a file using "Get Data" it seems the file is renamed to dataset_'id'.dat in ~/database/files/000/. Is it possible for the file to keep its name rather than being renamed? Neil
galaxy • 951 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 6.3 years ago • written 6.3 years ago by Neil.Burdett@csiro.au310
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6.3 years ago by
Neil.Burdett@csiro.au310 wrote:
When uploading a file using “Get Data” it seems the file is renamed to dataset_’id’.dat in ~/database/files/000/. Is it possible for the file to keep its name rather than being renamed? It seems this is being done because of the line ${}:${output.files_path}:${file_name} in the upload.xml file. But I don't know where in the code it gets ${file_name} from. Any ideas how i change this to get the correct name of the file being uploaded? Neil
ADD COMMENTlink written 6.3 years ago by Neil.Burdett@csiro.au310
Hi Neil, You're looking for the option to "link to" data, which is explained here: ry%20Files --nate
ADD REPLYlink written 6.3 years ago by Nate Coraor3.2k
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