Hello, I'm having a problem with many bed files I upload or create in Galaxy. Galaxy keeps identifying a strand column, even when there is no strand column and I cannot uncheck the strand column box. This is a huge problem because when it missassigns the strand column, the files become worthless - any downstream operations I try with them just comes back as empty. I keep trying to manually unclick the strand column box but nothing I do ever seems to change it - Galaxy keeps insisting that column 1 is the strand column! I've seen at least one other person had this problem but I never heard of a fix being identified.
The only workaround I've found is that it has something to do with renaming files - if I leave the bed files with whatever name Galaxy gives them by default, they seem to work properly but if I rename the files then the strand column box gets checked and the files become useless. However, this is a poor workaround as I often do some pretty complex analyses and it gets confusing when all my file names are the default galaxy names.
Has anyone else had this problem or hopefully found a solution?
I am having exactly the same issue, even with files that I have not renamed. Using Safari.
Still a bug. I surrendered and workaround by changing the value of all strands to "+" using the text manipulation tool for changing column values.