Hi, I am trying to use the "Extract Genomic DNA" tool however it needs TAB delimited so I am trying to change my Gene base file to TAB but whenever i try to load the file to "Convert" it says "(unavailable)" followed by the file name. What am I doing wrong or how am I suppose to do this?
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Question: what does unavailable mean?
hzhu04 • 10 wrote:
Jennifer Hillman Jackson ♦ 25k wrote:
This is most likely related to current server issues undergoing correction: https://biostar.usegalaxy.org/p/29474/
Distinct from that, this tool's input needs to be in BED format, assigned that datatype, be active (not deleted), and assigned the target genome/build (even if a custom build). Not all genomes are indexed for this tool.
More feedback/advice once the primary server issues are resolved.
Thanks! Jen, Galaxy team
The server issues are now resolved.
If you are still having a problem, double check that the "database" metadata is assigned and that the data is in BED format. If your genome is not indexed on the server, the tool will note it as being "unavailable".
Two choices from there:
- Use the tool at UCSC https://genome.ucsc.edu
- Upload a custom build of your genome and use that with the tool https://galaxyproject.org/support/ >> Preparing and using a Custom Reference Genome or Build
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