Hi, I'm studying 23andme raw date (I thank Martin Cech for the help) . I know that the number of autosomal SNPs tested is around 640,000 and raw data containing only the SNPs founded. But where I find the list of all 640,000 SNPs tested by 23andme? So I can learn by difference what are the negative SNPs, that is NOT present in the sample/person, and discard many inherited diseases.
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Question: 23andme raw data: list of all (around 640K) SNPs tested?
alfacentauro19 • 0 wrote:
Jennifer Hillman Jackson ♦ 25k wrote:
You could ask them about it, but I'm fairly certain that the exact list is proprietary to 23andme. The open websites Martin pointed you to (https://biostar.usegalaxy.org/p/29230/) plus others that are fee-based (google to find) do have webpage listings, but as far as I can, there isn't a downloadable file (expected if proprietary).
Thanks! Jen, Galaxy team
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