Question: Using A Remote Cluster
gravatar for James Vincent
7.5 years ago by
James Vincent40 wrote:
Hello, Is it possible to run Galaxy jobs on a remote cluster? For example, I have a server with a complete working Galaxy setup and I would like to have Galaxy submit jobs to a Teragrid resource or a cluster on campus that I do not own. I could not find (or perhaps understand) how one might run Galaxy jobs on a remote cluster. It seems the detailed instructions for running on a cluster assume you "own" the cluster. Is it still possible if one is a regular user only? Thanks, Jim
galaxy • 1.0k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 7.5 years ago by Ravi Madduri60 • written 7.5 years ago by James Vincent40
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7.5 years ago by
Ravi Madduri60
Ravi Madduri60 wrote:
Jim We have pretty similar setup working using Globus Online and Galaxy. You might find the talk we gave at the Galaxy Users Conference interesting and useful. The slides are here: PowerPoint Our goal is to make the setup you describe below work with Galaxy and Teragrid, Open Science Grid etc really simple by integrating your TG credentials and resources be used to run pipelines created using Galaxy. Please let me know if you want to more details and we can set up a call and discuss. -- Ravi K Madduri The Globus Alliance | Argonne National Laboratory | University of Chicago
ADD COMMENTlink written 7.5 years ago by Ravi Madduri60
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