Question: Heatmap using cummeRbund
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17 months ago by
mvinas20 wrote:


I want to do a heatmap using cummeRbund.

Is it possible to select a set of genes (for example only the significantly expressed ones) or it is only possible to do it one by one?

Thanks in advance,

Maria Vinas

rna-seq • 617 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 10 months ago by domi8440 • written 17 months ago by mvinas20
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10 months ago by
Glasgow University
domi8440 wrote:

Hi, you can use cummeRbund directly on Galaxy only selecting genes one by one, otherwise you need to download and use cummeRbund with R. As an alternative I wrote a Python module named Papillon available here . Should be easy to use. Best Regards Dom

ADD COMMENTlink written 10 months ago by domi8440
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