Question: Uploaded data are not ready to use
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17 months ago by
jc28420 wrote:

Hi, guys

I've uploaded my BED files through Get Data - Upload files menu.

The exact same procedure worked fine last week and the same thing doesn't work today.

So file uploading is working but after that right side menu showing history of data just stop at grey tone. (If data are ready, they become green btw)

I'm pretty sure the server is just asleep on this Monday but I wonder if something is wrong on my side like Cookies or any other settings I can change.

galaxy data upload • 344 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 17 months ago • written 17 months ago by jc28420
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17 months ago by
jc28420 wrote:

Purge the deleted data partially activated new data but not all...

ADD COMMENTlink modified 17 months ago • written 17 months ago by jc28420
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