Question: How To Connect To Private Instance Of Galaxy From Another Computer
gravatar for Michael Milevskiy
5.7 years ago by
Michael Milevskiy10 wrote:
Dear Galaxy, I am running an instance of Galaxy on my computer through localhost:8080/ and am wondering if I can use this on my laptop? I basically don't want to be at the computer at the same time and don't want to upload files to and from my laptop but just use the galaxy interface to work with my data. Regards, Michael J.G. Milevskiy | BBiomedSc PhD Student School of Chemical and Molecular Biosciences Prof. Melissa Brown - Group Leader Molecular Biosciences Building 76-432 The University of Queensland | (07) 3365 4635
galaxy • 839 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 6 weeks ago by dhed13920 • written 5.7 years ago by Michael Milevskiy10
gravatar for James Taylor
5.7 years ago by
James Taylor470
United States
James Taylor470 wrote:
Yes, you will need to edit universe_wsgi.ini and change the entry for "host =" (exactly what you need to do is documented in that file). -- James Taylor, Assistant Professor, Biology/CS, Emory University
ADD COMMENTlink written 5.7 years ago by James Taylor470
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