Question: Running Development And Live Servers Side-By-Side
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10.1 years ago by
Chris Cole150
Chris Cole150 wrote:
What is the best way to work with development and live versions of Galaxy concurrently and being able to have access to the same data (e.g. user histories)? Currently, I'm trying to run two instances of galaxy at the same time using the same MySQL database back-end and pointing to the same user files (via softlinks). Does this way madness lie? Although, it does seem to be working... I'm asking this because if we do go down the route of deploying Galaxy here, we'd like to be able to be able to test new tools without constantly having to restart the server and annoy the users. Cheers, Chris
galaxy • 622 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 10.0 years ago by James Taylor320 • written 10.1 years ago by Chris Cole150
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10.0 years ago by
James Taylor320
United States
James Taylor320 wrote:
Hi Chris, As long as the two instances are running the same version of the Galaxy code, and you do not have "track_jobs_in_database" turned on in your config, this should work fine. Particularly if your live instance has a subset of the tools that the development instance has. On the other hand, running different versions of the Galaxy application against the same database is probably mad. We occasionally make schema changes that are automatically applied to the database at startup, but if an older instance is still looking at the same database... potential disaster. Thanks, James
ADD COMMENTlink written 10.0 years ago by James Taylor320
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