Question: mothur make.contigs error
gravatar for horeyezonr
19 months ago by
horeyezonr0 wrote:

Hi all,

I tried to run the mothur's make.contigs command from the public galaxy server's tools menu. My data is Illumina Miseq paired-end type, I used this command on my computer with my local mothur installation, and it worked fine. However it returns empty result file in galaxy. I'm using only 10% of memory What could be the problem?

Thanks for the help!

ADD COMMENTlink modified 19 months ago by Saskia Hiltemann70 • written 19 months ago by horeyezonr0

Update: Please give this a try now. The Mothur tools were just corrected at Galaxy Main ( Details:

ADD REPLYlink written 14 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
gravatar for Saskia Hiltemann
19 months ago by
Saskia Hiltemann70 wrote:

I can reproduce this; in stdout I see an "Invalid command" message. From the mothur logfile it appears that it runs mothur version 1.25, but the make.contigs command was not introduced until 1.26, and judging from the installed toolshed revision this is meant to be running version 1.33?

ADD COMMENTlink written 19 months ago by Saskia Hiltemann70

Thank you for the answer! It says "v.1.27.0: Updated to use Mothur 1.33. Added findex and rindex parmaeters, optionally used with the oligos file." in the command documentation. I thought that meant it's using v.1.33? Is there any way to make it work? And more importatnly... will the classify.seqs command work? That is what I need really, because it eats up my memory.

ADD REPLYlink written 19 months ago by horeyezonr0
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