Question: Current history is unreachable
gravatar for longlong1884
20 months ago by
longlong18840 wrote:

Dear Galaxy Administrator:

I am having trouble to access my current history in Galaxy. The system continuously says that "Galaxy is currently unreachable. Please contact with a galaxy administrator, if this problem persists." Could you help me solve this problem? Thanks a lot,


chip-seq • 356 views
ADD COMMENTlink written 20 months ago by longlong18840
gravatar for Bao Ho
20 months ago by
Bao Ho80
Bao Ho80 wrote:

Server/connection issues usually occur during heavy traffic. Several projects of mine are still waiting to run. It is slightly inconvenient but I was expecting a long queue today because it is Monday. You can check back later today or tomorrow and see if the problem persists. Sometime we just have to be patient. - Bao

ADD COMMENTlink written 20 months ago by Bao Ho80
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