I seem to be having some issues with queueing uploaded files this morning (CET). Uploaded files sometimes enter the queue quickly and others take forever. Reentering the jobs that havent queued works occasionally, but then not always. Jobs that do eventually start are random in the list with no positional correlation (not that I always expect this). The question is, do I wait it out or keep trying to enter them for queueing again ?
I'm not sure about your precise problem - but I'd leave the jobs in the queue just in case the queue is really long for whatever reason. You don't want to lose your place if your files are still in the queue. But I'd also create a new history and re-upload the files in that, just to see if maybe they go through. It does sometimes work.
Issues seem resolved this morning.... Thanks
Glad to know. Most jobs are running normally - queue and execute. With the wait time dependent on how many jobs are queued in the same account, what time of jobs those are, and how busy the queue is.
I can let people know what the Jetstream cluster queue is NOT full at this time. So for tools that allow Job Resources to be specified, choose Jetstream, being aware that the more people that read this - the more will try the same - and the queue will eventually get busy.
We are looking into other issues for reported jobs that have been queued for multiple days. Feedback about that will come when more is known.
I'm seeing the same thing. Also Workflows don't seem to enter the history at all.