Question: Adding tools to a Galaxy server - Public URLs versus Private local/cloud Galaxies
gravatar for hosseinkhan
2.2 years ago by
hosseinkhan0 wrote:

Dear all,

I am new to DNA methylation analysis. I want to use Galaxy and I have seen some tutorials using Galaxy for this purpose.

I know that I have to add minfi_tools to my galaxy. However I do not know how to do it.

I found some instructions but I do not understand what exactly should I do.

Can anybody explain to me how to add this tool in to galaxy?

Thank you in advance

Nazanin Hosseinkhan

ADD COMMENTlink modified 2.2 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 2.2 years ago by hosseinkhan0

Are you an admin on your Galaxy server? If not, you can only install the minfi tool by asking the admin to do it for you.

ADD REPLYlink written 2.2 years ago by Devon Ryan1.9k


But I am not sure if I understood what you mean.

By "admin" you mean that I have registered in to Galaxy? if it is, yes,I have Galaxy account, but minfi_tools is not present in the list of tools. If not, how can I ask admin to do it for me?

Thanks again for your help


ADD REPLYlink written 2.2 years ago by hosseinkhan0

If you don't know what I mean then the answer is "no". You'll have to find out who runs the Galaxy instance you're using and ask that person. If you're using the main instance, then I guess this is as good a place as any to ask, though it'd be faster to just directly use R (there's relatively little support for microarrays in Galaxy).

ADD REPLYlink written 2.2 years ago by Devon Ryan1.9k
gravatar for Martin Čech
2.2 years ago by
Martin Čech ♦♦ 4.9k
United States
Martin Čech ♦♦ 4.9k wrote:

You can only add tools to Galaxy you control/own (are admin of) as Devon explained. The process is described here:

ADD COMMENTlink written 2.2 years ago by Martin Čech ♦♦ 4.9k
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