Question: How Can I Display Wig Tracks In Ucsc Browser?
gravatar for yang yu
7.8 years ago by
yang yu10
yang yu10 wrote:
Hi, I have uploaded a 2GB wiggle file to Galaxy. Can I display the Wig track in UCSC genome browser directly via Galaxy? thx Yu Yang
galaxy • 1.2k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 7.8 years ago by Florent Angly370 • written 7.8 years ago by yang yu10
gravatar for Florent Angly
7.8 years ago by
Florent Angly370
Florent Angly370 wrote:
Hi, I am wondering how to handle optional arguments in a tool wrapper for Galaxy. I looked at other wrappers but could not find the way to do the right thing. The <inputs> section of my tool contains: <param name="random_seed" type="integer" optional="true" label="Random seed" help="Seed number to use for the pseudo-random number generator."/> The <command> section looks like: Grinder -random_seed $random_seed However, when I run the tool through the webinterface without specifying a seed value, the jobs starts but fails with the error: I assume that I need to adjust my <commands> section so that the "-random_seed $random_seed" parameter and values are issued only if $random_seed has been set to a value. Something like: Grinder #if ??? $random_seed ??? -random_seed $random_seed #end if The question is: how to do it? I tried a variety of syntaxes without success. Thanks, Florent
ADD COMMENTlink written 7.8 years ago by Florent Angly370
I don't think it works, see: My patch may still work - I haven't looked at this recently though. Peter
ADD REPLYlink written 7.8 years ago by Peter Cock1.4k
Florent, you should be able to do this using cheetah scripting. Perhaps you can give the seed a specific (nonsense) default value like 0 or -1? You could check on this with cheetah scripting for this value and if so issue the command without additional parameters, otherwise issue the command witht the set values.... hope this helps and was your question.. lex ________________________________________ Van: [galaxy-user-] namens Florent Angly [] Verzonden: zondag 13 februari 2011 9:13 Aan: Onderwerp: [galaxy-user] Optional tool arguments Hi, I am wondering how to handle optional arguments in a tool wrapper for Galaxy. I looked at other wrappers but could not find the way to do the right thing. The <inputs> section of my tool contains: <param name="random_seed" type="integer" optional="true" label="Random seed" help="Seed number to use for the pseudo-random number generator."/> The section looks like: Grinder -random_seed $random_seed However, when I run the tool through the webinterface without specifying a seed value, the jobs starts but fails with the error: I assume that I need to adjust my <commands> section so that the "-random_seed $random_seed" parameter and values are issued only if $random_seed has been set to a value. Something like: Grinder #if ??? $random_seed ??? -random_seed $random_seed #end if The question is: how to do it? I tried a variety of syntaxes without success. Thanks, Florent _______________________________________________ The Galaxy User list should be used for the discussion of Galaxy analysis and other features on the public server at For discussion of local Galaxy instances and the Galaxy source code, please use the Galaxy Development list: To manage your subscriptions to this and other Galaxy lists, please use the interface at:
ADD REPLYlink written 7.8 years ago by Bossers, Alex240
Dear all, I am analyzing a set of miRNA-SEQ data. Many of the reads can be mapped to multiple locations. I want to test two options: divide the counts equally among all possible locations or randomly assign them to one of the the locations. Could anybody please let me know how I can accomplish this? Thanks in advance, JF
ADD REPLYlink written 7.8 years ago by Fang, Jianwen10
Thanks for the help Alex! I got it working this way: In the <inputs> section: <param name="random_seed" type="integer" value="0" optional="true" label="Random seed" help="Seed number to use for the pseudo-random number generator."/> In the <command> section: #if $random_seed > 0 -random_seed $random_seed #end if Florent
ADD REPLYlink written 7.8 years ago by Florent Angly370
Does that actually let the user put an empty string in? My guess is not, and you are just using zero as the default (meaning no seed). This is the same workaround I have been using (where there is a suitable dummy values - not always the case). Peter
ADD REPLYlink written 7.8 years ago by Peter Cock1.4k
Yes, it simply is a workaround that allows me to keep working with Galaxy. Hopefully, your patch that fixes this issue can be accepted soon: parameters-to-be-optional Best, Florent
ADD REPLYlink written 7.8 years ago by Florent Angly370
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