I have created a wig file using MACs but when I upload this onto one of my sessions on the UCSC genome browser as a GZ file it shows every chromosome individually as a different track. Is there any way in Galaxy to ensure only one track is loaded?
I am not sure exactly how/why this occurred, but I have also not tested that functionality in a while. You could contact the UCSC support team about this, but there is an alternative usage that many, if not most, people use when visualizing this type of data from a Galaxy source to the UCSC browser.
Try this: Convert the wig dataset to a bigWig dataset with the tool Convert Formats: Wig/BedGraph-to-bigWig converter. Then visualize/load at UCSC, using the link in Galaxy (be sure to have the database metadata assigned). Galaxy is then the host server for the bigWig file. BigWig format cannot be loaded directly in full - it must be hosted from some public URL, Galaxy or the server of your choice. http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format6.1
Hopefully this works out! Jen, Galaxy team