3.2 years ago by
United States
If this is intended to be a custom variable entered at run-time, then the variable is ${var}.
The #{var} is for capturing an input dataset's name and using it to rename the output. The dataset name can vary by tools, and many have this value listed at the top of the workflow "tool form" panel (far right, same panel where the renaming is performed).
There are a few tools right now that have variable multiple inputs where the input dataset names are no longer explicitly available in the workflow editor. A restoration of this prior functionality is in progress. There wasn't a Trello ticket for it yet, but I just made one for users to track for updates: https://trello.com/c/zSGviZFb
If you really want to find the names, examine the wrapper .xml for the tool you want to rename from. A link for each tool into the Tool Shed where this can be easily visualized can be found at the top of a tool's form at the top upper right corner: "See in Tool Shed" from the "Options" menu.
Our apologies for the current inconvenience, Jen, Galaxy team