I am trying to load a crossbio visualization onto my local instance of galaxy.
Per the "The Visualizations Registry" wiki in Galaxy,
1) I configured the galaxy.ini file by uncommenting "visualizations_plugins_directory = config/plugins/visualizations"
2) I copied and pasted the folder crossbio visualization into the appropriate folder (config/plugins/visualizations)
Unfortunately, my server log is not even recognizing this visualization as a loaded plugin. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks.
Hi carl,
see googledrive https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-J0sIwOpVwAb21ySi1SajhDbVU . Thanks!
Hi, Roy
It looks like your crossbio_blast.xml is the github html page for that file instead of the actual file. It may be that it was accidentally downloaded. I'd recommend:
these are excellent directions. Thank you. Also would you happen to know where on the galaxy GUI this shows up? e.g. how would I upload the blast xml output as the input for crossbio?
Thank you.
In the history panel on the right of your main page, expand a blast dataset and you'll be able to see a button that looks like a bar graph. Click that button (where the arrow points below) and a submenu should appear that contains a link to the crossbio visualization.
Hi Carl, Sorry to keep bugging you with a bunch of questions. Thanks. I went through a series of uploads w/ various blast upload datatypes and cannot view this icon in the history. Could it be possible that I must adjust the galaxy ini file?
Below are my screen shots, I'm working out of docker images if that helps. Thank you.
The visualization icon does show up for interval files, but the drop down option for crossbio Js doesn't exist. Only visualizations of scatterplot & trackster exist as options in history dropdown menu.
Hi, Roy
It looks like the plugin is loading fine based on the third and fourth screenshots. I think what's happening here is that the datatype needed by the plugin (https://github.com/bgruening/galaxy_blast/blob/b324ba9efa9e9d579445bf4fd352d2b0c39990fd/visualizations/crossbio_blast/config/crossbio_blast.xml#L7) 'blastXML' isn't matching the datatype of your dataset ('xml' according to the firt screenshot. These two must match for the visualization to be considered 'applicable' to the dataset and shown in the dropdown.
So, I'd recommend changing the datatype. If you edit the attributes of your dataset (using the button with the pencil icon), go to the datatype tab in the center pane, and then use the dropdown to search for blastxml, does it appear? If so, select that datatype and click save. Galaxy will work on the metadata for a moment - then, try again to find crossbio_blast in the visualization dropdown in the dataset.
Thank you very much for your guidance up until this point.
1) when I upload a sample Blast.xml output file as my test data , the Visualizer does NOT appear on the right side of the galaxy GUI (slide 1) . 1a) inside the crossbio_blast.xml ....."datatype">blast.BlastXml</test> , is blast is the file extension of the upload inherited from BlastXml? I asked question 1a, because 1b) when I switched "datatype">blast.BlastXml</test> to "datatype">xml.GenericXml</test> AND again uploaded the Blast.xml file test data, the Visualizer does DOES appear on the right side of the galaxy GUI. Can you confirm that the xml is the extension inherited from the GenericXml ? (slide 2) The Blast visualizer only returns a blank result. (also see slide 2, middle section).
2) My potential plan, 2a) would I need to alter the /home/galaxy/config/datatypes_conf.xml.sample to add the blast data type? since you I was initially given the following datatypes datatype">blast.BlastXml</test>? e.g.
I'm also having the same problem as rlee03. I've added the crossbio_blast directory from the git repository and copied it into config/plugins/visualizations and restarted galaxy following the instructions in this thread. I see no errors relating to crossbio in the paster.log file. However, I cannot use crossbio_blast with a blastxml output file. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Hi, Roy and Daniel
(This is in response to Roy's comment dated Oct. 8th and Daniel's first comment)
I've tested the visualization in Björn's repo and made some changes. Please see the updated repository here:
Hi Carl,
The changes you made to indeed allow me to see the "Visualize" and "BLAST XML Viewer" option. However, when I click it the visualization does not appear. The only thing I see is the following text:
selected out of records
Sequence identitiy
Length distribution
Score distribution
I've tried this with several sequence queries and I get the same results
Hi, Daniel
Can you open the javascript console and see if there are any errors there, please?
Hi Carl,
It seems I'm missing the following:
I presume this means I need to install bootstrap and dc.js?
No - those are source maps and are not required to view the visualization.
That's all you see and there are no other errors? Are you in the console tab? What is the raw output of that tab when you load the visualization?
Sorry, there is one other line:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of null
Hi Daniel,
I have a potential fix here: https://github.com/greenify/crossbio/pull/3
If this gets accepted I will update the vis accordingly.
Sorry for the trouble,
Alright. re: TypeError: that makes more sense and I've seen that before. I believe it has to do with the file parsing here:
I'll ping Bjorn about that. In the meantime, would you mind uploading this test file and see if that allows the visualization:
Hi Carl,
The example you linked to does work in my local instance! Let me know if / when changes are made to make this functional
this example also works on my local instance! Great! Thanks everyone. Same here, let me know when changes are made for this functionality.