Question: access galaxy.ini configuration file from mako template file of the visualisation plugin
gravatar for sureshhewabi
2.3 years ago by
sureshhewabi20 wrote:


how can i access galaxy.ini configuration file from mako template file of the visualisation plugin? I have a setting for output directory for my visualisation plugin and I have specified it in galaxy.ini file. In my template(mako), I use ajax call to access output files, but I dont like to hardcode output file path. So, it was specified in galaxy.ini like this:

 [ myplugin]
 output_file_dir = /Users/myname/Downloads/galaxy/config/plugins/visualizations/mypluginname/static/data/

How can I get this value to a JavaScript variable?

ADD COMMENTlink written 2.3 years ago by sureshhewabi20


Why do you use the galaxy.ini for this setting? Can you put a simple my_via.ini in your config folder of your visulaisation?

Thanks for writing ViS!

ADD REPLYlink written 2.3 years ago by Bjoern Gruening5.1k
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