Question: Help New Cloud Cluster Key ID and Secret Key!!!
gravatar for ana.castillo.2091
3.4 years ago by
United States
ana.castillo.20910 wrote:

Hi, I have tried to create a new cloud cluster, but when I type the Key ID and Secret Key, it appears "Internal Server Error" and does not allow me to go further. What can I do  ? Thanks. :) 

software error • 860 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 3.4 years ago by Dannon Baker3.7k • written 3.4 years ago by ana.castillo.20910

Hi Ana, I am having the same issue with no luck figuring out the issue. Does your AWS IAM user by any chance have admin privileges?

ADD REPLYlink written 3.4 years ago by mrals8950

Hello, We are checking into this and will get back to you both shortly. Did either of you by chance capture the error code from the blue screen in the UI when the error occurred? Thanks, Jen, Galaxy team

ADD REPLYlink written 3.4 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
gravatar for Dannon Baker
3.4 years ago by
Dannon Baker3.7k
United States
Dannon Baker3.7k wrote:

Hi Ana,

This is most commonly incomplete configuration of your AWS account, but to verify this can you try again and reply here with the "GURU MEDITATION #" shown in the error message?



ADD COMMENTlink written 3.4 years ago by Dannon Baker3.7k

Small update from our team: The error can be triggered with a set keys that are not valid in some way (the web portal double checks). This could be due to a typographical error, mixing up keys, or a true problem with the account. Hopefully both of you are able to work out the issue and start up a Galaxy Cloudman! Best, Jen, Galaxy team

ADD REPLYlink written 3.4 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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