Question: An Update To Galaxy Cloudman
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7.9 years ago by
Enis Afgan680
Enis Afgan680 wrote:
We'd like to announce an update to Galaxy CloudMan - a completely standalone version Galaxy on Amazon's cloud. The new version has been released that brings a number of improvements to the core functionality of CloudMan and expands the number of tools available within Galaxy CloudMan to match that of Galaxy Main. The new AMI ID is: ami-9a7485f3; complete instructions on how to use Galaxy CloudMan are available at Some of the specific improvements now available include the following: - number of Galaxy tools available on the cloud mirrors that of Galaxy Main - the size of tool index files has grown from 40GB to 600GB - autoscale the size of your cluster (i.e., the size of your cloud cluster automatically adjusts to the amount of your workload) - termination of instances happens in parallel - automated update of CloudMan source code - ability to terminate and/or delete a cluster directly from the CloudMan web interface - tagging of cloud resources with cluster name - overall greater reliability and several bugs fixed - still built on top of the CloudBioLinux AMI so all of the NERC BioLinux tools are available at command line and also allowing CloudMan UI to extend usage scenarios for BioLinux tools in terms of cluster composition (full code changes available at
galaxy • 865 views
ADD COMMENTlink written 7.9 years ago by Enis Afgan680
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