Question: Trackster Error
gravatar for Suzanne Gomes
4.7 years ago by
Suzanne Gomes120
Suzanne Gomes120 wrote:
Hello, I am trying to look at an output from Tophat using Trackster, but I keep getting the following error: Could not load chroms for this dbkey: dp4 This is not a custom dbkey - I just selected it from the list of available ones on Trackster. I have database/build set to: D. pseudoobscura (dp4) (dp4) for my Tophat results. Any ideas why this is happening and what I can do to fix it? Thanks Suzanne
trackster • 989 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 4.7 years ago by Jeremy Goecks50 • written 4.7 years ago by Suzanne Gomes120
gravatar for Jeremy Goecks
4.7 years ago by
United States
Jeremy Goecks50 wrote:
Hi Suzanne, Can you share your history with me and I’ll take a look? Thanks, J. -- Jeremy Goecks Assistant Professor of Computational Biology George Washington University
ADD COMMENTlink written 4.7 years ago by Jeremy Goecks50
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4.7 years ago by
United States
Jeremy Goecks50 wrote:
Hi Suzanne, Thanks for sharing your history. This is a file format issue on our side. We’ll get it taken care of and let you know when it’s fixed. Thanks, J. -- Jeremy Goecks Assistant Professor of Computational Biology George Washington University
ADD COMMENTlink written 4.7 years ago by Jeremy Goecks50
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