I am trying to map 8 paired-end reads on to the same reference custom-build genome. Each of these mappings produces a Bowtie2 file which can then be used to generate a Samtools file. All 8 of the Bowtie2 files and 8 Samtools files can be displayed on bam.iobio.io. Of the 8 Bowtie files and 8 Samtools files only 3 can visualized with Trackster- these are the Bowtie2 and SAM files from one of the mappings and the SAM (but not the Bowtie2) file from another. 7 Bowtie2 files and 6 SAM files give me the following error message:
Fatal error: Exit code 255 () Couldn't open /cvmfs/data.galaxyproject.org/managed/len/ucsc/?.len , No such file or directory
Any ideas how I can fix this? Thanks