Question: Update From Server Failed Several Times
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4.7 years ago by
Hello, I deleted some files, because I reached 100% of the data volume I could use; my actual volume is 76 GB. I'm waiting now for an update from the server, that I reduced the data volume and can continue with my analysis. But I got a red note on the history for several times, that the update failed and that I should contact you, when it does so. What could I do now, to get an update from the server? Thanks in advance! Best, Meike
ADD COMMENTlink modified 4.7 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 4.7 years ago by Meike.Latz@mdc-berlin.de30
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4.7 years ago by
Scott Tighe200
Scott Tighe200 wrote:
For all users: The tutorial on uploading data is incorrect. I do not think they have updated "how to upload data" yet. Scott Scott Tighe Senior Core Laboratory Research Staff Advanced Genome Technologies Core NextGen Sequencing/Flow Cytometry University of Vermont and Vermont Cancer Center 149 Beaumont ave Health Science Research Facility 303/305 Burlington Vermont 05405 802-656-2482 (AGTC)
ADD COMMENTlink written 4.7 years ago by Scott Tighe200
Hi Scott, Is the 'Get Data -> Upload File' tool no longer functioning for you? Can I help with using Main or is this on a local/cloud instance that needs to be set up? It is correct that the addition upload methods via the "Load Data" process - found at the top of the tool panel - are not included in our tutorials/vidoes yet. This is very new set of methods (first was placed on Main at the end of January) and may still undergo some changes. We expect this to stabilize near-term and then be documented. Both tools will continue to co-exist. If there are any usage question right now (you or others) please let us know and we can help. The functions are either the same or very similar to the 'Upload File' tool, just presented in a different pop-up interface, plus now include convenience/feedback features. Thanks! Jen Galaxy team -- Jennifer Hillman-Jackson
ADD REPLYlink written 4.7 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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4.7 years ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:
Hi Meike, Our apologies for the server issues, these were transitory for a short window but should be fine now. The issue with history pane updates are unrelated to the deletion/purging of data. The expectation is that the database can take up to a few hours to update quota usage after permanently deleting/purging data - this is dependent on overall server load and often is much quicker. You hopefully have already seen this updated by now. The history pane display was the issue on our side. Help with deleting data is on this wiki, see section #8. Permanently deleting/purging data is the only way to impact quota usage. The Managing Histories video shows how to find data that is deleted, but not permanently deleted. Thanks! Jen Galaxy team -- Jennifer Hillman-Jackson
ADD COMMENTlink written 4.7 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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