Question: Galaxy Error
gravatar for Toni Delorey
5.4 years ago by
Toni Delorey20
Toni Delorey20 wrote:
Hello, I'm trying to convert a .bed file to a FASTA file. I get the following error when I do. "An error occurred with this dataset: *No sequences are available for 'sacCer2', request them by reporting this error.*" I'm not sure what the issue is? Thanks, Toni -- Toni Marie Delorey Regev Lab, 6175-OO The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard 7 Cambridge Center Cambridge, MA 02141 Email: Phone: 617-714-8225
ADD COMMENTlink modified 5.4 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 5.4 years ago by Toni Delorey20
gravatar for Jennifer Hillman Jackson
5.4 years ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:
Hi Toni, Bjoern is correct - if you are using a local Galaxy that does not have this reference genome available, it needs to be added. The "Extract DNA" tool requires a .2bit version of the genome available and the alignseq.loc file configured. More is here, section " LASTZ and EXTRACT Genomic DNA": The builds.txt file would need to be intact and the genome assigned for this specific error to come up, but in general when adding new reference genomes, that file also needs to be adjusted. Instructions are on this wiki page, along with rsync instructions if you would like to get/model your data after ours: The public Main server and the cloud AMI both have this build available. So, if you are using the public server, and this error came up, the issue is likely related to a temporary, earlier issue with job dispatching. Processing load at this time is extremely high as this resolves - so a re-run may not be successful immediately, but do try again in a few hours or even tomorrow morning. Our apologies for any confusion this may have caused, Jen Galaxy team -- Jennifer Hillman-Jackson Galaxy Support and Training
ADD COMMENTlink written 5.4 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
Hello, Thanks for your response. I can almost never get anything done on the public instance of Galaxy. It can take an entire day to even load a.bed file. When I was encountering the error I was on the Broad Instance. Marco, I tried following the instructions above to ensure that genome was available but got lost. Is there a way to link this with the Broad Instance so I can use this tool? Thanks, Toni -- Toni Marie Delorey Regev Lab, 6175-OO The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard 7 Cambridge Center Cambridge, MA 02141 Email: Phone: 617-714-8225
ADD REPLYlink written 5.4 years ago by Toni Delorey20
Toni, As a quick work-around until set up natively, you may be able to use the Extract DNA tool with a custom reference genome: See the example in: "Tools on the Main server", should work on any Galaxy set up as a production server In short, you load a fasta version of the genome into your history and use it with tools. UCSC is the source for sacCer2, in the downloads area: Most, but not all, core tools from the Galaxy team have a custom genome support option on the form. When they don't, there is a reason (likely not practical from a indexing/memory usage perspective). Tools developed by the community set their own priority for this support. Best, Jen Galaxy team -- Jennifer Hillman-Jackson Galaxy Support and Training
ADD REPLYlink written 5.4 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
gravatar for Björn Grüning
5.4 years ago by
Björn Grüning350 wrote:
Hi Toni, to convert a bed file to a fasta file you need the genomic sequence. You can specify a genome-build for every bed file in your history. You probably don't have a genome build specified or its specified as sacCer2. sacCer2 is not configured I would guess, so no genome is available. Try to install a genome for your organism and set the bed file to this genome-build. Cheers, Bjoern
ADD COMMENTlink written 5.4 years ago by Björn Grüning350
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